Tomorrow is race day. This past week has been busy with last-minute preparations. We completed food drops yesterday, where Bridgett and the team will have all the necessary gear for them at the checkpoints. There is a lot of thought and consideration as to what goes into the bags. There is mandatory gear that mushers must send out to checkpoints, including booties (these are the dogs’ shoes), dog food, and Heet (this is the fuel source to heat water). When preparing these bags, we try to plan for everything, yet “everything” is not in our control! Some of the other items in Bridgett’s drop bags include hand and toe warmers, socks, gloves, human food, new runner plastics, dog coats, miscellaneous dog supplies, and personal gear. Drop bags are done!
Some of Bridgett’s start items Gear drying out
Drop bag prep Adding dog food/snacks
Today was vet checks. The Yukon Quest organization focuses on top-notch dog care. For a dog to qualify to run in on of its races there are pre-race checks performed on each athlete. A thorough examination is performed with a highly skilled team of vetinary medicine professionals. We took 13 team mates and received a flying bill of health on all members. We will only take 12 on the race and the final decision will be made tomorrow on who makes the final cut. We feel fortunate we started training this year and still have all team members on the gang line. It will be very hard to leave one behind.
Gold checking out all the action like an ‘ol pro Waiting for the vet team Loves from Flash! He was so excited
After the vet checks the team headed home for one last night in their own dog houses before hitting the trail. The mushers and handlers then met with race officials, vet team and trail breakers in a pre-race meeting. Everything from rules to sportsmanship, vet care and trial conditions were discussed. Mushers then drew for their start position, with Bridgett leaving the starting chute bib number 18 @ 1100 tomorrow morning.

Bridgett and team are home for the night doing last minute preparations. The morning will start early with dogs being loaded before 7am before heading to the starting line. The trucks have to be parked by 8am. We cant wait to see the excitement on this teams face! Tomorrow is their maiden voyage on a world yet to be seen!
This years support crew seems to many to count. The kennel is blessed with love and support from individuals near and far. Handelers following the entire race in an enterage of trucks include Bridgett’s husband Scotty, Jen Nelson, Lisa McDonald, Karolyn Bristol, and Bridgett’s dad Allen. Everyone had their own “jobs.” Expect to be seeing post and photos when internet is available from Jen.
Below is a link for track leaders which is the company used to track mushers on their adventures.
I hope you enjoy the ride with us!