Weeks and days go by. Time continues to move on. We’ve been blessed with Christmas and New Years’. My kiddos have had a wonderful break from school, as have I. I am continuing to pursue my master’s degree through all of this and become a Nurse Practitioner. It has been 6weeks since the accident and 5 since surgery. I could not be happier with the progress my body is making. Recovery is recovery, and only time heals some things. If you know me, I am not a patient or a slow person. I like to move and make things happen. I always have a million irons in the fire. It is taking everything in my power to allow time to do its job and heal my body. With that being said, there are plenty of things still happening around the kennel.

I knew if there were any chance of us getting back in a race this season, the dog would have to continue to get miles on them. This last month my friend Karolyn Bristol and my husband Scotty, have run the dogs. They have been getting the miles on them. They both have full-time jobs and continue to show up on weekends and nights to help these pups get the miles on them they need. I’ve even been able to get back out in the yard and help scoop, feed, and do some chores-it makes me feel useful again!
My soul was at peace when I got behind them again. I was not on a sled; but a snowmachine. I was braced up, my knee felt pretty good and we got out on the trail with little to no difficulty. As I sat behind them, I thought to myself, isn’t it ironic the thing that took me ‘out’ is now my vessel to make it happen again. The things that bring you the most pain in life also give you the most power! Our run was beautiful, the sky was amazing, and the dogs were kind to me. We had no ‘issues.’ There were no tangles, wrong turns, nothing; we just ran effortlessly. They were a little alarmed by the machine being attached to them but settled in quickly. They took me for a great ride. I really didn’t know 6 weeks ago if this moment would be possible this season. To God, be the Glory!!! As I continue to progress in the recovery and my injuries heal, I will continue to use a snowmachine to train and get out there.
Healing is slow—all forms. One must be patient. I’ve been going to PT multiple times a week, progressing each time, more weights, more reps, more effort-everytime. When I am not at PT, I do training at home to continue the progression. I want to be strong and ready, should I be allowed to get on the sled in a race this year. I have an amazing crew of Physical Therapist helping me stretch my potential each day. They are having me do more than I could have ever imagined possible. I want to give a big shout out to ATI Physical Therapy! From only being able to do leg raises a few weeks ago to now working on squats!!!!
Racing-Lets talk about that. This year’s focus from the beginning was to get this group of dogs on the trail and train. Train them to have manners, run, rest, camp, and experience the excitement of a few races. We will not be competitive this year, but getting all the experience we can. I look forward to the day these yearlings get to ride in the dog box to a race, feel the excitement in the air and anticipation of what is to come. They’ve never seen a starting line, let alone a finish. They don’t know hard, but we will learn together, and I hope to be the best coach possible. I can imagine how some silly yearlings will lose their mind with all the excitement and palpable energy in the air. Their elated cries of excitement will be deafening for sure. We will not be a ‘quiet’ crew!
We have an amazing crew of friends and family that will also be present should this race season happen. I feel humbled at the number of good wishes and encouraging words I continue to receive. Trust me, friends, I want to be at a starting line as bad as you want to see me there. Timber and River have been to many races starts. Timber went to his first race at 4 weeks old, the Copper Basin. He even drove the Yukon Quest trail as a ‘handler’ at 14 months old to watch his papa WIN in Whitehorse! They have seen starts, finishes, and in-between while watching their Gran and Papa, but never their mama with THEIR dogs. They are just as excited to see it all happen and how these dogs they have raised from birth do. They have pride and excitement as well for this group of dogs.
But….theres always a but. But we are not ready to race. Not YET. We were signed up for the Copper Basin today but withdrew. This is a monumental and important race for our family. My dad has run this race like a million times and is the most winning musher. I have been present for most of his victories. Seriously, this is the first race in 20years that an SP Kennel member is not a part of. I have handled this race more times than I can count and ran it twice myself. However, I have not run it in nearly a decade. This year will not be the year we get to. I’m ok with being honest with myself and my abilities at this moment. It will benefit no one if I get in the middle of the race and not physically strong enough. Next year there’s always next year, and that we will hang our hats. So, as many years before, I will be watching the race-via tracker.
Now looking forward. Mushes sign up for races early in the season, before they know how everything will really be looking at that time. We are still signed up for the Summit Quest (Quest 300) the second week in February. This is still 5 weeks away. We are unsure of the possibilities or if we will have to withdraw from this race also. But know this, we will try with every ounce of our effort to be on the back of a sled in 5 weeks, climbing mountains, crossing rivers, and seeing a finish line. The dogs will continue to train. I will continue to train. As with everything, only time will tell, and I pray time heals this wound!